Sharing NVC – 13 day program in Belgium 2022-2023

Who is training who? Welcome to a 13-day mentoring program for those who want to share NVC in any setting, with Marianne Göthlin and Corrylaura Van Bladel.

Grundkurs i NVC – online

Den här mini-kursen vänder sig till dig som är nyfiken på NVC och vill få en erfarenhet av vad det kan tillföra din kommunikation i vardagen, hemma eller på jobbet. 

NVC in Sardinia, 10-17 Sept 2022

Are you longing for an inner and outer adventure? Maybe this NVC event  in Sardinia is something for you. More info nvc-sardinia_english

NVC in Lightness and Depth, Belgium

Now for the 8th time we offer this 10 day program for deepening and integrating NVC.  Welcome to read more and join!