NVC i skolan, Oslo

IVK i skolen Vi gleder oss over å tilby et kurs i ikkevoldskommunikasjon i skolen, for å utforske hvordan behovsbasert dialog og kommunikasjon kan bidra til å skape mer trygghet,

Training for trainers, Belgium

Who is training who?  Mentoring program for those who want to share NVC in any setting. 16 days of training spread into 7 meetings during 2019-2020 Aim: We want to

NVC in Lightness and Depth, Belgium

On request we offer this program now for the 5th time! 10 days of deepened NVC training with Corrylaura Van Bladel and Marianne Göthlin, spit in 4 trainings during 2019-2020.

New tailored training, Belgium

More lightness and depth   Together with Corrylaura Van Bladel  - we offer a space for previous participants who were present in one of our Lightness and Depth programs to come