Training for trainers – Who’s training who? Belgium

Who’s training who?

Welcome to a 13-day mentoring program for those who want to share NVC in any setting, with Marianne Göthlin and Corrylaura Van Bladel.

We invite everyone who is excited about NVC and on your road to implement and share this in your personal and/or professional life. It might be that you will start as a trainer, lead a practice group, introduce NVC at your workplace or just in your family/community.

We would like you to walk from this program empowered, prepared to share NVC with clarity and joy from being you, with awareness and skills to deal with any reactions and NVC being your natural language that you will speak with the people you meet.

Training for trainers, Belgium

Who is training who? 

Mentoring program for those who want to share NVC in any setting.

16 days of training spread into 7 meetings during 2019-2020

Aim: We want to make space for you to try out many aspects of sharing NVC in a safe and creative environment. It might be that you will start as a trainer, lead a practice group, introduce NVC at your workplace; that you are a teacher and want to be inspired to work from and with NVC-values in your classroom/school; that you want to integrate it in your work as an educator, or as a therapist in your individual settings, in a psychiatric setting; or as a consult you would add NVC in your program. Our focus will be on how to live and be a role-model for NVC while you share your insights and skills.

We will cover areas such as:

 Planning, and including your intuition and presence for an alive process

 Material and practice to use it with groups (visfera, dancefloors, blabla, …)

 How to adapt the training to different groups like inhouse or public

 How to mix theory and practice

 How to adapt to different learning styles

 How puppets can contribute or not

 Managing feed-back and all kind of reactions

 How to come across from a power-with attitude, also when you have an authority-function

 Marketing, networking and agreements

 Tailored deepened training on parts you choose (guilt, anger, mediation, etc).

How: We look forward to co-create a safe and supportive learning environment with you, where everybody is seen as a teacher and learner. We will share with you how we do it in our trainings and also do it together with you, in a way that reflects values as inclusion, transparency and shared responsibility. There will be space for you to make short presentations, try out your ideas, … and receive feed-back from trainers and participants. We will support you to find your own teaching/sharing style with your own examples that can contribute. Carrying Marshall’s dream for NVC to contribute in the world through our intention and work together.

We will include structures as:

 Co-creating the learning environment we want

 Building the program from inclusion

 Sharing best practice, and the failures we learn from

 Empathy support during and in between the training sessions

 Group decision making

 Managing conflicts

Towe Widstrand, very experienced trainer and assessor for certification will join for two weekends where she will offer opportunities to work on specific topics from the CNVC certification package based on:
The key-differentiations, with particular emphasis on the “power over – power with” aspects. This is the heart of the Social Change aspect of NVC and very important to be clear about if you share NVC with others. We will do this in co-creation with the participants and work via demonstrations, role-plays and deductive ways. As a participant you will have space to practice these during very safe conditions. We will ask you to carefully read the CPP and prepare what area you want to practice on and how.

We would like you to walk from this training empowered, prepared to share NVC with clarity and joy from being you, to make mistakes and be able to deal with any reactions; with NVC being your natural spontaneous language that you will speak with the people you meet.

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