NVC with children and teenagers, 19-21 Oct 2018, Vienna

Vienna , Österrike

Speak up and listen!  NVC with children & teenagers Workshop with Marianne Göthlin and Gabriele Grunt October 19 - 21th 2018 - in Vienna In this workshop you will be supported as a teacher or parent to speak NVC and be a role model for dialogue and understanding. We will focus on finding a balance

Online workshop – NVC in your connection with children & teenagers

4 Thursday evenings - Nov 19, Nov 26, Dec 3, Dec 10 In this workshop, "Speak up and listen", you will be supported to speak NVC with children and be a role model for connective communication.  We will focus on finding a balance between clear leadership and  taking children's point of view into account. Read

Empathic honesty – NVC training online

Find your strong voice and connect with children and teenagers 4 evenings with the same group  We invite you to this training with the intention to share and practise one crucial part of NVC in our work and life with children. Speaking honestly with clarity, strength and warmth - speaking in a way which helps

Mini Life-Enriching Education online Lab

Welcome to join LEE lab and an international group of people passionate about NVC in education. We will co-create, practice, share and inspire each other.  1, 2, 3 February CET 17-20 Read the full invitation Mini LEE Online Lab_Flyer_2022    

NVC with children & teenagers, Vienna

Making and breaking agreements with care. In this workshop you will be supported as a teacher or parent to include children in decision making and how to deal with situations when agreements are broken. Invitation workshop Vienna 2023