Självempati – en källa till klarhet och kraft

Sickla Stationsväg 6, Nacka Stockholm, Sverige

Empatisk kommunikation bygger på att kunna lyssna på sig själv med empati.  Självempati tillsammans med att uttrycka sig ärligt och att lyssna på andra, är det som NVC föreslår för att bidra till ömsesidig kontakt och respektfull dialog.  Här fokuserar vi på den självempatiska delen. Samtidigt som vi kommunicerar med varandra pågår ju, mer eller

NVC in Education – Teaching for inner and outer peace

A two-day online training with Marianne Göthlin and Corrylaura Van Bladel. We have decided to postpone this workshop and offer it later this coming school year.  Speaking up for what you need and want, listening with empathy, verbalizing your dreams, managing respectful dialogue and daily life conflicts - are some crucial skills we would like

NVC in Lightness and Depth, Belgium

10 days of deepened NVC training spit in 4 training occasions during 2021, with Corrylaura Van Bladel and Marianne Göthlin. Dates:  3-4 June 2021, 10-12 September 2021, 26-28 November 2021, and two additional days to be decided with the group

Empathic honesty – NVC training online

Find your strong voice and connect with children and teenagers 4 evenings with the same group  We invite you to this training with the intention to share and practise one crucial part of NVC in our work and life with children. Speaking honestly with clarity, strength and warmth - speaking in a way which helps

NVC Sommardagar i Sörby, 31 juli – 3 aug 2022

Välkommen att berika sommaren med några sköna dagar för dig själv och i gemenskap med andra som vill kombinera ledighet med personligt värde.  Läs vår inbjudan till NVC sommardagar 2022

NVC in Lightness and Depth, Belgium

Now for the 8th time we offer this 10 day program for deepening and integrating NVC.  Welcome to read more and join!

Life-Enriching Education Lab, Romania 11-15 April 2023

We are very happy to offer a lab in person again. You are welcome to this international NVC event where we will practice dialogue in education. Read the invitation here flyer_lee-lab_2023_registration-open_update

Mutual Education Laboratory, Italy

We are excited to offer a Mutual Education Lab in Orvieto, together with Italian trainers and local school actors 7-10 Nov 2024. This event is designed for Italian school actors and people interested in applying NVC in education. 

NVC in Lightness and Depth, Belgium

Belgien Oude Vorstseweg 25, Eindhout, Belgien

For the 10th time we offer this 10 day program for deepening and integrating NVC.