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NVC in Education, 9-day program 2018-2019, Belgium
2019-03-04 @ 9:30 - 2019-03-06 @ 16:00 CET

Living NVC-values in education
9-day program with Marianne Göthlin and Corrylaura Van Bladel
Start: October 2018
Blabla house for connection in Laakdal, Belgium
More information on blabla-blabla.be
This 9 day-program is designed for people interested in integrating NVC values in education. We will practice on creating learning communities that cultivate mutual respect, cooperation, compassionate interactions and engaged learning.
In this program you will practice to be a role model for clear communication – one of our most important life skills. Learning to listen, learning to speak up for what you need and want, stating your opinion and your personal arguments based on needs, verbalize your dreams, are all helpful skills when forming a life-enriching learning climate and guiding basic democracy.
This includes also to foster self care, to lead forth everyone’s potential and learning from your mistakes without losing self-respect.
As a participant, you will join a team of experienced trainers dedicated to cultivating NVC in the field of education. Additional to the workshop days, you will have the opportunity of practice in smaller groups and moments in between the training days with support from Annelies Peeters, trainer from Blabla.
Some themes that we will attend to:
- Deepen the understanding of what Marshall Rosenberg named as “mutual education.”
- Co-create a safe and supportive learning environment
- Making and breaking rules with care
- Balance between clear leadership and taking children´s point of view in
- Resolve conflicts and prevent or de-escalate violence
- Daily life mediation with young people
- Support children to be motivated by their eagerness to learn
- Learn from experiences of NVC projects in schools
Come and share, learn, contribute to a community of parents, teachers, educators, counselors practitioners and trainers!